Spring 2019 Updates
From last month’s Instagram story.
I haven’t posted a new blog post in a while, so here’s just a bunch of things that are happening or coming up soon:
Working on Book One of Chorizo
We’ve started work on the first big-ass volume of Chorizo. I’ll add some updates on that once the current storyline is published online in full (about 6 more pages to go here).
Coaster Champs
Coaster Champs is a low key event that I’m hosting in Brooklyn with a bar called Joker’s Lodge. It’s a drink and draw contest with a $25 bar tab going to whoever the bartender thinks drew the best coaster based on whatever the theme of the night is. Learn more about Coaster Champs here!
Brooklyn Comic Con 2019
I think it’s the first ever Brooklyn Comic Con, and your boy Alejandro is going to have a 6ft table to sling merch out at all of the kids that don’t know how vulgar I am. Let me know if you’re going and I’ll hook you up with cool shit! Here’s the website to learn more on how to get tickets and all that fun stuff.
On top of those things, I’m trying to build out better programming for consistent posting on social media. I’m shooting for a schedule to share new merch, comic pages, characters, and more content. It’s hectic, but I’m also going to add in some tips for project management when working on comics.