Sharks & Remoras, Amazon & Comixology

Just some thoughts that have been rattling around in the old punching bag.

I subscribe to Comixology email updates, and I can’t help but notice that the Comixology originals are at the top of every single email.


If you look at the images, the top real estate is mostly dominated by Comixology Original ad. This seems like a normal move, since well, they own the rights to publishing those titles and likely gain the most from their sales.

The thing that I can’t wrap my head around is this:

  • Amazon has a streaming service and owns Comixology

  • Disney is starting their own streaming service and owns Marvel

    • Disney also has a financial stake in Hulu

  • DC owns their own streaming service

  • Netflix owns Millarworld

With all that noted, what happens to the other publishers? Is it all just a future race to being purchased by a streaming service, adding to their catalog of intellectual properties? With Amazon and Comixology, it’s easy to assume that their original stories will have a much easier time getting a chance at a film/tv show/etc.


The digital streamings feel like sharks that are getting ready to migrate, and it’s time for the remoras (publishers) to attach themselves to some big ol bastard before there’s too many other little remoras on them.

What does it mean for independent creators? What does is mean for creators under smaller publishers?

I don’t have any of the answers, I just wonder what’s coming.