Issue One / Part One

Hey champs, 

Chorizo is officially in action. I've posted the first six pages of Issue 01. He's squaring off against Arma de Dios, who you've probably seen a whole bunch if you're following my Instagram account.  

When I first started this story, I had this image in my head for what the first page needed to look like. Years ago, I tried making a few pages, but they didn't really turn out how I expected them to. Here's a comparison between the new first page, and the opening images from my original attempt:





It's weird how much Chorizo looks like a big monster in the older drawings, and he's become more soft and goofy as I've written more and more stories and sketched him out in different scenarios.

Here are two covers that I was messing with, and decided not to use:


This next one is based on the old El Santo & other friends Lucha Libre magazine covers. I'll prob use this style for something, just not sure what:
