The Daily Chorizo 001 - "Not Enough Time"

The Daily Chorizo 001
"Not Enough Time"

Today, I focus on three big things. I work my 40 hr/week job at a tech company, I create the Chorizo stories and universe, and brainstorm next moves for my artist network, Hyena.

I also still play videogames, I still go to movies, and I still watch tv and go drinking with friends. If I ever say that I don't have enough time to work on creating comics and other things, then I'm bullshitting. As long as I'm doing those things, I can never say that "I don't have enough time." This is me putting it into writing that I'm in control of my free time and what my creative output looks like.

A lot of people that follow Chorizo are creators of some sort, too. If your main goal is to build something for yourself, and spend most of your free time watching tv or going out, it might be time to stop lying to yourself about how much time you really have. Whether you're a single mom, a kid in college, or whatever, there's definitely time to carve out to move towards the future that you want. I'm not saying to not do fun things, but I am saying to stop tricking yourself on how much free time you don't have.

I struggle with this heavy, and I'm hoping that I can at least be honest with myself that I'm in control of my time and moving Chorizo to the next level. Feel free to let me know in the comments if this is something that you struggle with, too. I'd love to start a dialogue on the topic.

- Alejandro

The Daily Chorizo is a daily blog post from Alejandro Paz, the creator,
on topics surrounding the growing pains around building a story like Chorizo.