The Daily Chorizo 002 / Contributors

Hey people,

Not a lot of people know, but there are a few people that have helped or are helping me with building Chorizo since I started drawing the chubby pig. Here's a quick breakdown of the people that have directly contributed to Chorizo:



Zach Hanes - Story Editor

Zach is actually the first person I spoke to about this story. We worked together at our day job, and he came up with a lot of the initial characters after I came up with the overall Chorizo universe. It really was just a luchador pig in the fight for Fight City, and Zach helped fill the place with new characters, like Arma de Dios and Mortuga.

Now, he's the official Story Editor for the Chorizo story arc, helping me with making sure the pages make sense and the overall story works. He lives in Madison, WI where he raises wolves and sheep but not together.



Keri Melich - Animator 

Keri has helped me with a bunch of stuff, mostly just not killing me for how often I talk about this story. Specifically, she helped animated this guy's breathing:


She's also a travel photographer, so maybe I'll book her for when Cho is on vacation.



LuvJonez - Music Producer 

Jonas, aka LuvJonez, has been making beats long before I met him. I told him I wanted to make entrance music for Chorizo, and he basically gave me free reign over using his music with any scenario I wanted. He's nonstop making beats, so go check out what he's up to now. 

He's also running a thing called in Portland called A Beat Happening, giving the town a chance to witness some of latest from beatmakers all over the city. 


Bryan Brunt - Music Producer 

I asked Bryan if he wanted to make music for a character, Cyberia, not really thinking anything of it. I remember we were walking around Portland on a Friday night, and I get a message on Saturday morning with not one, but two finished tracks. I can't find the link to those tracks right now (new computer), but here's his band, SuckerForLights, that he works on with his wife Olivia in Portland.